This last Saturday (Valentine's Day!) we had a brunch for Lily's birthday and invited her friends and their parents (who are our friends!) and of course both AJ's and my families were here. It was lots of fun with LOTS of people in our small house! The kids had so much fun and actually played quite well together. There were just a couple of times when Lily acted out on an innocent child....did I tell you that my daughter was 2 yet? Because she is sure acting like it!! Oh Lord help me! Anyway, lots of fun pictures to share. AJ was on camera duty while I helped Lily open they aren't the best pictures. But in his defense, Lily was all over the place so it's hard to get a good one! Thanks to all the family who helped bring food to feed everyone! I really appreciate it and honestly couldn't have done it without you!

Sweet Cami just hanging out

Me and the big 2 year old!

The kitty cupcakes I made....they look a bit scary, but it was fun to do! (Thanks for your advice and use of frosting stuff Wendy!)

More kitties (it was a kitty theme if you couldn't tell!)

The delicious spread....and my manly husband made those deviled eggs all by himself! I was so proud! He even used a pastry bag to fill them!

Katie and my sister-such a good picture of both of them!

Lily and Abigail enjoying some food

Some of the guests....

Lily and her auntie Leandra

The birthday girl just hanging out

Playing "pin the name on the scary kitty"... but the kids enjoyed it!

And the finished product

Opening lots of presents! Too bad I'm in all the shots-but I had to help her! She's quite excited over this sing-along Bible songs book! It has an attached microphone and everything. She can be just like her daddy! :)

A fun toy from her friend Zoe!

New Converse shoes from her uncle Joel

Singing "Happy Birthday"-she kept singing this song for 2 days straight!
Enjoying her cupcake...much different picture from when she was turning 1 and was naked in her high chair! This just proves to me that she really is growing up!

My wonderful sister-in-law and mother-in-law (Andrea and Barb)

Playing with her new kitchen from her Nana and Papa

She was a bit tired after the party was over!

Playing naked chef! Don't worry, this was later that night after everyone was gone!
Such a cutie! Wearing her some of her princess dress-up toys from Grandma and Grandpa (she also got a fun outdoor play structure from them! I can't wait for her to use that once it's nice outside!)
This girl was so spoiled that day! She got so many presents and is clearly loved lots. Thanks to all who came and helped celebrate Lily Mae!
We also had her 2 year doctor appt. today. She weighed in at 30 pounds and is in the 85% for weight. She was measured for her height at 3 feet 1 inch! This girl is TALL! She is above the 100% mark! Meaning, out of 1o0 girls, she is one of the tallest. I've heard a fun thing that at their 2 year appt whatever their height is, if you double that, then that is how tall they are supposed to be at when they are older. So according to what she was measure at today, she will be 6'2''! WOW. Just like her daddy that's for sure!!
Oh what a fun time that was to celebrate sweet LIly's bday! She is so blessed with people that love her and her parents! And she came away with a load of gifts! Way to go Lily! :) Sweet lil girl she is!
Wow, I wonder if she will really be that tall. I think the cupcakes turned out great. Not at all scary. Looks like the party was lots of fun!
Wow, maybe she will be a basketball player or a tall!! Jack was just 31 pounds at his 18 month apt (95%)!! Big babies are the best...but I guess they are not babies anymore are they!? :( It looks like she had a great party, she is so loved and spoiled!! :)
Looks like a fun birthday she had...I think the kitty cupcakes were really cute! I've done the "height predictor" thing on Hannah too, and I think it said she was going to be like 6 or 6'1...they can tower over the boys together. :)
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