I'm so sad that our trip to Disneyland is over! We had an amazing time and I wish we were still there!! The kids did so well-I was truly amazed! Lily I think had the most fun on the plane and taking the bus from the parking garage to the park! It's the little things that please her! She was afraid of some of the characters but loved Mickey, Minnie, and Donald Duck. There were some other ones that she'd only wave to from afar. And of course as soon as we walked away she'd be saying that she loved them! Silly girl. Here's LOTS of pictures:
On the bus headed to the airport-she loved this! The plane ride went so well and she was really excited when we took off and landed. I was worried she'd cry but she did great. We even had a lot of turbulence at one point, but she was smiling and kinda laughing during it! This girl is a dare devil I think! Friday we woke up to POURING rain. So sad! We still went there hoping it would stop for a bit, but it never did! My mom brought ponchos so we were as covered as we could be. Jameson had no clue it was raining since his car seat and stroller kept him dry-which I was thankful for! After a while Lily was soaked through (I did bring a change of clothes) and we could tell she was ready to go so my parents took both kids back to the hotel while us "bigger" kids stayed and rode some rides together. The good thing about the rain is the park was not crowded at all so we got on all the popular kiddie rides right away! Even dumbo-which, every time I've gone there is always a HUGE line to get on! But Lily and I just walked right on!
Still smiling despite the rain!
Waiting to go on Peter Pan
He was in his car seat most of the days we were there-he was a champ though and did great!
On dumbo in the pouring rain! We were crazy, but Lily still enjoyed it-you can't really see her but she's next to me! Gotta love my face too :)
And she's still smiling even though water was dripping down her face!
Trying to get dry while eating some lunch
My mom making Jameson smile
Even Jameson got to go on some rides! This one was Buzz Light Year-Lily loved it too!
We did finally see sun! Lily had to wear her sunglasses!
And this is what I did most of the time-nursed!
We are in the lobby of the Grand California hotel (it has an entrance of it's own that is connected to California Adventure and anyone can go hang out in the lobby!) Anyway, one time we were there random characters would come and say hi to the kids in the lobby. Lily would not go near this bear-although I don't blame her cause his face is kinda creepy looking! She would just wave at him! And the whole rest of the day she kept saying how she waved at the bear and that he was silly!
In-N-Out!!! We went there 2 times!
Uncle Joel was so nice and sat in the back with Lily and chatted with her the whole trip!
Went to Downtown Disney one night and my mom and dad took Lily to Build-a-Bear for an early birthday present. She chose this bear and was helping put the stuffing in him. She was deathly afraid of how loud it was-you can see her holding my mom's finger in the corner of the picture! She's been really sensitive to noises lately-including the automatic flushers on toilets!
Hugging her new bear Koda-she named him with some influence from us :)
Giving her bear a bath
Picking clothes out for Koda-she decided that her bear is a boy bear-I'm wondering if it's because she has a brother now?!
Uncle Joel with Jameson
Here we are riding the tram from the park to the parking garage and I just loved how my parents were making silly faces at Jameson the whole way! 
Wouldn't go to Goofy on her own!
Loved his ears though!
She ran right into Donald's arms!
Wouldn't go to Winnie by herself either!
The whole gang!
Disneyland is the best when it's sunny and clear out!
I wanted a break from walking so Joel pushed me in the stroller for a bit and it actually held me! :) It was fun!
On It's a Small World
In Toon Town
Such a happy boy!
At California Adventure-it's a picture of the awesome roller coaster that we all love to ride!
On a very lame-o ride for kids (Lily seemed to enjoy herself though!)
On a ride with AJ that took them pretty high! We were on these rides in a Bug's Land-so everything we saw or rode on were according to what it'd look like to a bug! Hence the box of applesauce that AJ and Lily are riding in :)
Getting ready to go! If you'll notice in the background the center part of the ride is a giant pie tin and it's sitting on top of a giant container of cool whip!
Back at Disneyland and on a rocket ride with Lily's Auntie Leandra!
Jameson sporting his new Mickey shirt!
"A" is for Acker!
She's so cute
Riding on this awesome raft ride at California Adventure-I'm wearing a blue shirt and AJ's sorta looking at the camera. I got SOAKED! But it's so fun!
I was already pretty wet before this giant geyser hit us
And now I'm soaked to the bone!
See? I told you! It was literally like I had taken a shower with my clothes on! It took a while for me to dry out too!
On one of Lily's favorite rides! It was a kiddie version of the tea cups-she was laughing hysterically the first time we went on it!
On the last "ride" before we head home!At the airport...
On the plane home (and Jameson is sound asleep!)
If there are any of you still reading this thanks for sticking with it the whole time! I didn't realize how long it would get-and it's a good thing I didn't get pictures from my mom's camera too! We had a great time!!!
Wow, looks like you guys had so much fun. I don't blame Lilly for not wanting to go to Winnie-the-Pooh either, what kind of kid creature has a name like Pooh??? So glad too that I am passed the nursing stage, cow's milk is wonderful! You look great, wish I could get away with being soaked to the bone and still looking pulled together!
Thanks for sharing all those pictures! Billy and I would LOVE to take the kids there someday. I haven't been since highschool so I kind of want to go too.;)
Glad you had such a good time.
(Your kids are adorable.)
Disneyland and some California sun sounds so good. I'm super impressed that a nursing mother of a three month old baby and three year old was up for that! You are a brave girl although it looks like you had plenty of good help. :)
What fun!!! Thanks for sharing - I love that you went with your whole family - how amazing for you all!! Loved all of the pictures, and seriously, I wish I looked that good soaked. :) PS 'A' stands for Adams - I'm sorry you got confused. ;)
OH man, that totally made me wish I was there! So fun! The kids were troopers...as well as the parents! :) I can't wait to go there someday...someday....:) FUN!
OH man, that totally made me wish I was there! So fun! The kids were troopers...as well as the parents! :) I can't wait to go there someday...someday....:) FUN!
Yay! I, like everyone else, dream of getting to take my kids there. It will happen someday! Avery went through a very long stage of totally freaking out every time the automatic flusher was about to go. Actually any time it was time to flush a public toilet - they're pretty loud! She'd start scrambling and crying to get out of the stall before it flushed. Funny kids! Glad you guys had a great time! Good memories...
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