Lily is one loved girl! On her actual birthday we had the family over for a birthday lunch to celebrate Lily. She got lots of great stuff and LOVED being the center of attention! (wonder where she gets that from?!)
With all of her gifts!
Giving her auntie Andrea some love
She loves her new bean bag chair from Grandma and Grandpa!
And her very own watch from Auntie Leandra and Uncle (almost!) Kevin
And a fun, new umbrella from her Papa and Nana!
When I asked Lily what she wanted for her birthday (cake, cupcakes, etc.) she said "pop-a-sicles." I love that she says that for popsicles! Anyway, I stuck 3 candles in a fudge bar and we all sang.
She thoroughly enjoyed her "pop-a-sicle" while the rest of us had brownie sundaes! A couple of days later, Lily had a few of her friends over for a princess dress-up party.
My sweet Cinderella! (My mom purchased this dress for her in Disneyland when we were there. Lily loves it!)
The table setting
Princess stuff everywhere!
I love this picture-the princess waiting for her guests to arrive!
And little Jameson was the only boy!
Playing a game
Lunch for the girls!
The twins Emmy and Aja-aren't they adorable?!
Opening gifts-it was so hard to take a good picture because I was trying to help Lily open her presents too! Oh well, you get the point :)
Lots of kids and moms! But it was so fun!
Little Cami's turn!
Lily got a turn-she also decided she didn't want to wear her princess dress anymore! I wish I would've remembered to take a group shot of the girls in their dresses but I forgot!
Singing Happy Birthday-and yes, she was singing along too!
Blowing out her candles!
We had such a fun time celebrating Lily turning 3!! She is a wonderful little girl and we are so thankful God gave her to us!!!
So fun! She got loaded for her Birthday! Way to go Lily! And thanks for inviting Cami to her first "princess" girly party! Loved all the adorable girls in their princess getups! :)
Too cute! I can't believe she's 3 already! Looks like she had a great celebration!
Oh my goodness! It's all so sweet! She looks so grownup with that new haircut. And I really see AJ in her in the princess dress pic! Fun party!
So adorable!! She is a true little princess!!! :)
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