We made it and didn't die! I was dreading this camping trip mainly because of Miss Lily. I knew it would be dirty and I wasn't sure how she'd do, but it was a great trip! Lily did
SO well, I was amazed. She slept wonderfully through the night and took great long naps during the day-even with it being so hot! We try and take this camping trip once a year, but never made it last year. And the year before I didn't go because I was newly pregnant and didn't like the idea of camping and feeling sick-not a good mixture. Anyway, we all made it this year and went to Big Lake-right by Hoodoo. We went with a group of friends and of course my brother and sister and AJ's sister and her husband. I was really hating the idea of camping in a tent and trying to fit Lily's crib in there and everything else so AJ made a call and we were able to borrow a trailer from some friends from church! It was wonderful...except now I'm spoiled and I really don't think I'll be able to camp again without one! :) We left town Thursday after lunch and didn't get back until last night-with
TONS of laundry to do! Here are some fun pictures ( I didn't take as many as I wanted because every time I wanted my camera it was always either in the trailer with a sleeping Lily or no where to be found! Oh well!)

The first 5 minutes and she's got dirt everywhere-I'm not kidding! She wanted to eat the gravel-seriously?!

And a not so flattering picture of my
FAT ankle! I've got "sweet skin" and always get attacked by mosquitoes. This was also the same day we got there and I ended up having a reaction to 1 bite and my foot was swollen the rest of the time!! Not fun.
I also got bit right in the corner of my eye and it swelled over night. I looked like I got punched in the eye. Luckily, that didn't last long and was gone by the time we got home. I counted all of my bites last night after my shower at home and the total was 38. Yay for me.

Lily and Brody playing in her playpen. We needed to get stuff done and I was tired of chasing her around! It lasted for a good 10 minutes :) But it was so nice that there were other kids there for her to play with! Lily and Brody were the youngest (he turned 1 in June) and then there were to older boys who were 4 and 5. They all had fun!
Nice buns! This girl is my water "lily"! She loved playing at the lake and in the sand and everything else. I wasn't sure how she'd be, but she could spend all day there!
Playing so nicely with some fun beach toys (thanks for buying those mom!)
Our crew. We snagged this awesome spot right along the lake and had all our toys there. We had 3 jet skis to ride which made our camping experience even more fun!
Me and Lynn and our babies :)

AJ and his friend Josh (Lynn's husband) taking turns riding the jet ski.
And now it's my turn! Legally to drive one of these you have to have your boaters license. I really wanted to drive one, so 2 days before we left I quickly took the test online 2 times (I failed the first time but it's because I didn't even study! I just memorized what answers I got wrong and took it again and passed! I'm very tricky!
And I'm off
Lily being cute and floating on the water!
Don't worry-this is the start of her excited face!

We also got to take turns going tubing! That's me on the inner tube. I love it and had so much fun! The scary part is that if you aren't the one on the inner tube you have to ride behind the jet ski driver backwards and be the flagger! And by holding on to a tiny handle with a flag in your hand! So scary and fun at the same time!
Lily playing with her daddy and loving it!
And here Lily is on our last day-right before we are about to leave she decides it'd be fun to play in the dirt. She is covered from head to toe and I'm pretty sure this is the dirtiest she was the whole camping trip-let alone in her life! We all made the decision to head to the lake for an hour before we had to pack up and head home and play some more. Plus it gave us an opportunity to rinse her off in the water!
One last close up. She was using her dirty hands to rub her eyes-which makes her entire face be covered in dirt! I just had to learn to be OK with it! :) We had such a fun time camping but I'm glad to be home with no more bug bite opportunities and to have a shower! Here's to next years trip! (Well, maybe.)
Thats great that she did so good! Its amazing how dirty they can be. That sucks about all the bugs bites...its kinda funny though cause that is usually me and on our camping trip last weekend I didnt get one bite! Yahoo!! It must have been where we were! Glad you guys had a great time and nothing got stolen...hahaha! :)
You're so brave!! I don't think I could do that even with my boys being 2! Ok so we're in Eagle Crest, are you guys coming? I don't have your phone number so let me know if you're here, Daisha is here too!
yeah, so I remember camping with a 1 1/2 year old last year...just dirt everywhere on the little one! At least you had others there along with you, instead of just the 2 of you...AND...you had a camper!! I would do it again with little ones, if I had a camper...or others along that can help out if needed...like grandparents. :) Looks like fun times!!
Love those pics of dirty lil Lily! You go LIly! That's a lil tomboy for you! :) And I can't believe how big your ankle goT! :( Bummer! Glad you survived the big camping trip! It'll get easier when they get older!
I love camping with kids, but they do get really dirty. I am jealous because we don't get to camp this year, to many other fun things to do. I'd love to try it with a camper some time :)
Oh my goodness! At least she's over the stage of putting everything in her mouth! Looks like you had a great time, especially Lily!
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