Remember back a few months ago I talked about the need for me to get in shape and run and lose 10 pounds and stuff? (See post on June 26th). Well, I'm proud to say I've accomplished my goal!! I finally lost that last pound a few weeks ago and am just now getting around to blogging about it! I've noticed a huge difference in the way I feel, I have more energy (most of the time!) and it's just great! My awesome friend and running partner, Anna, is my motivation. Because without her there's no way I'd be getting up in the morning BEFORE Lily is awake and actually go running! We were quite slow at first but have definitely picked up speed and we are running (some walking) about 2 1/2 miles! We're feeling good! Anyway, before I even got to this point I needed a little carrot at the end to make me want to lost weight. My sweet husband suggested $100! So, yes, of course I took him up on that! Well, one day a few weeks ago I come home from something and laying on the counter was this sweet card:

And inside was $100 cash! In case you can't read the card in the picture it says this:
"You did it! You lost 10 lbs! I'm really proud of you and your self control and dedication. You look great too! Very hot and pretty and beautiful etc. etc. Xooxooxxooxx....x Love, AJ" (Isn't he the cutest?!)
He is so sweet and I honestly wasn't going to care if I got the money or not, I was just glad I reached my goal. But he was insistent on me taking it and said I can only buy stuff for me and not him or Lily. So I did! I bought a few shirts a couple pairs of pants and I got a massage! It was wonderful! Now my goal is to maintain this weight and just keep exercising! It's gonna be hard to do once the rain starts! Guess we'll be wearing hats then huh Anna?!
Yah!! I'm proud of you too! I still have a few pounds to go...I thought it would go fast having quit nursing...guess not! And yah of course we'll keep running! Even in the rain and cold! :) We'll just have to keep working out a schedule! Your an awesome motivator too! i couldn't keep going without you by my side forcing me to keep going up that hill! :)
That is AWESOME! Way to go girl! :-)
I'm so excited for you . . . it's not easy and running early in the morning isn't either. It's so nice ot have a friend do it with you too . . . remidns me of the track days! Aj's note is very sweet!
Congratulations!!! I am so excited to get to that point! :) Keep it up in the cold and rain. The hardest part is getting out there, but then it actually feels good - if you're wearing the right clothes and can keep your feet dry. :)
Good for you, I am so jealous that you have someone to work-out with. I am inspired and may have to blog my goals, but then someone might hold me accountable, scary.
Wow! 10 lbs!! That is so awesome! You totally deserve that $100 good job hubby making you take it! Way to go Amanda!
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