We finally got Jameson's 1st haircut! We did it about a month ago and let me tell you; it was hard for this mama!! I hated to see my baby's curls cut away, but it really was needing to be done. I was a bit tired of him looking like Farrah Fawcett with the feathered sides! :) Here's how it went in pictures:
The before shot:

See what I mean? Farrah Fawcett look-alike!

Luckily, our great barber, Chad, goes to our church so we knew he'd be great at cutting Jameson's hair! Jameson wasn't too sure about what Chad was doing.

And then the tears started coming!!! This boy was NOT happy!

Then Chad came to our rescue. "I have suckers!", he said! All I brought was a ball. Right. Like that was going to keep Jameson happy! And as you can see the sucker worked! It's the first sucker he's ever had and he knew what to do with it. He was as happy and calm and content as he could be the rest of the time!

Jameson doesn't even care that clippers are near his head. He's just checking out that sucker.

Love the mohawk!! May just have to try that sometime :)

Almost done and already looking like a completely different boy!

Ta-Da!!! Isn't he the cutest?! And he's still holding that sucker!! I'm sad that his curls are gone, but it was time. He's no longer a baby but an, "almost-completely-walking-little-toddler-boy!"
He is so stinking cute!
Oh my. He looks so grwon up!! Such a handsome little man.
So so cute! He is so adorable anyway, but he looks like a handsome little man now!
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