We started the Christmas festivities by frosting sugar cookies! Here is Lily with new friends Ayla and Drew (who are brother and sister.) I watch Ayla a few mornings a week and take her to kindergarten after having her at my house for a few hours. Lily and her play really well together and it's nice she has a playmate for a few mornings a week!
These are Lily's cookies! I just love the globs of frosting she has on some of them. And I really like all of the sprinkles on the cookie in the back left corner! She had lots of fun and ate more than she frosted!
Here are some that I did. I really enjoyed frosting them! Normally, I'm in a hurry and just want to do a quick job, but I wanted to spend a little more time on them. I know they aren't perfect, but it was fun and they tasted good!
Growing up, my siblings and I got to open 1 present on Christmas Eve and it was always new PJ's! Of course, we didn't realize it was the same thing year after year until we were much older! I wanted to start this tradition with my kids too. It sure is hard finding somewhat matching jammies for a boy and a girl! I know you can't see their PJ's very well, but they are both wearing guitar jammies! I loved it!
Jameson opening a new book that sings songs. He really got into opening presents, but of course only paid attention to the boxes and wrapping!
Lily got new tape in her stocking! She was so excited. I'm not kidding! This girl is obsessed with tape and I'm tired of her stealing mine and using it all up. So, I got her some of her very own! At least it's a cheap stocking stuffer!
Christmas Eve was spent at my parent's house this year. Jameson is looking a bit crazy eyed while playing with a new toy!
My dad being ...well, my dad! He's a very silly man and was trying on my new belt! Sorry dad-please don't hate me for putting this on here for all the world to see! You know you still love me! :)
Lily got a new baby doll that is tiny like a newborn baby and even smells good! She named her Zoe.
My kids LOVE their Uncle Kevin and he is so good with them too. Lily was laying on his lap for a good 30 minutes and Jameson would just crawl over to him and want to be held or played with! We are so blessed to have such wonderful aunties and uncles who love our kids!
AJ eventually had to leave early to get ready for the Christmas Eve service at our church. (I'm sure most of you who read this know he's the worship leader there so he's in charge of all that stuff :) Anyway, my mom, brother, sister, and I decided to sing along with the choir. It was only singing a few carols, but it was fun to be on stage with each other! Joel even wore one of my mom's many Christmas sweaters!
Christmas day was with AJ's family. Lily is loving this new frog tent! It's actually Jameson's present, but he is kindly sharing with her.
I love my family!!!
Lily put her arm around me all.by.herself. I am usually begging this girl to hug me and kiss me! It's times like these when I just melt inside because of her sweetness!
Andrea and Jeff
Barb and Dan-they're so cute :)
Sweet post! Love the pics. I also love the sweater you wore on Christmas!! So pretty! :)
so fun :) I love your new blog background too!
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