Nothing too exciting has been going on in the Acker household. Just staying busy and keeping up with our crazy kiddos!!! We are getting ready for the Easter production at church which has kept AJ busy-and me too! I decided to join the Easter choir this year and I'm having lots of fun doing it. Plus, I get to spend LOTS of time with my husband which is great! :) Anyway, here are few random photos of our life lately:

As soon as daddy gets home these kids grab their blankets and want to snuggle with him. It's so sweet!

Lily was playing dress up and wanted to be a bride. She's wearing a too-big-for-her dress and a too-small-for-her tutu on her head for the veil. She liked it though!

Jameson getting ready to get his hair cut by AJ! This is the second time AJ has done it and it's been great. Plus, I like the price of FREE! As long as Jameson is holding a sucker, he is as happy as a clam.

Love this picture even though it's a bit blurry. My friend, Charissa, had a sweet baby girl a month ago! Lily loved holding little Cayden. Isn't she the sweetest baby?! I just want to eat her up! Lily is pretty cute too :)

All dressed up for church! Too bad Jameson isn't smiling. Oh well.

My poor son. He was standing in front of the dishwasher and the door was about to fall on his head. I stepped over him to block him from that and then Jameson tripped over my foot! He was holding a graham cracker (and still is in this picture!) so he landed flat on his face on our hardwood floors. Screaming baby with a bloody lip is no fun! But after 5 minutes he went back to playing and running around. I felt terrible though! Don't his eyes look so beautiful in this picture?! Gotta love those "Acker blues!"

He's a trooper!

Love these kids. They shared popcorn together and had fun doing it!

Jameson will sometimes help me unload the dishwasher. Here he is putting (or just dropping) the silverware away. He does a good job! It's never too early to teach 'em right?!

My sweet Lily. AJ and I were trying to nap after church one day and Lily wanted to come lay with us. She actually fell asleep after a 1/2 hour of asking me questions. So, instead of all of us napping it was mainly only Lily and AJ. She is a loud breather!! :)
And that's our life lately!!!!
I love the photo of Lily sleeping :) Moments like that get so much more precious as they happen less and less often.
You are busy people!!Love all the new family photos! Your kids are so cute and lovable!! Must be because their mommy and daddy! :) BTW...also like your new blog look! :) Fun!
I love snuggling Hailey for a nap. I never sleep either but it's so precious to hold her and watch her sleeping so peacefully. Then I sneak out and get some work done!
You guys are so awesome about taking pictures as a family. We were just out of town and didn't even take one. Also, consider yourself blessed that Jameson is great for haircuts. Shad screams the moment the clippers turn on and I "Rassle" him while my sister-in-law cuts. He is completely traumatized and I am worn out by the end of it! Looks like you had a great time in Cali too, so fun to be able to go as a family!
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