Summer to me -since being married to AJ-is family vacation at Eagle Crest for a few days with his family. And that time came and is gone already! What a week! We just got back from staying 5 wonderful days at Eagle Crest again with AJ's parents, sister, and her fiancee' Jeff. I'm actually grateful we were able to go considering Lily had a high fever a couple of days before we were supposed to go. She was doing well by Sunday and back to normal on Monday-the day we left! PHEW! The weather was wonderful every day! We shopped in Sisters, layed by the pool, shopped some more in Bend at the Old Mill shopping center, layed by the pool some more, ate a lot, the boys played golf and tennis, and we relaxed. It was so nice to have them all around to help out with Lily, hang out with her, or even just watch her so I could sun bathe with Andrea by the pool! Plus, I never cooked dinner! We always eat so well there-thanks Barb for your yummy cooking!Here are a few-OK, a LOT, of fun snapshots:
Hanging out on the deck
Daddy's little girl
Mommy's girl too! Both our eyes are REALLY wide in this photo!
With her Auntie Andrea
This girl is full on walking people! YAY!!! I'm thrilled she's finally reached that milestone! And look how well she's doing it-while holding a giant balloon!
Lily hasn't been in a pool-well, a BIG pool, since last summer so we were very eager to take her to one this week. There's like 5 pools at Eagle Crest and the one we went too is a bit newer and has this fun fountain/water play center thingy (can you tell I don't know what to call it!) The water pressure was too hard for Lily to go through it by herself, but her daddy went through it a bit. Lily loved the pool and had so much fun floating in her blow-up car. She could touch the bottom of the pool so she would be walking around in her floating toy! She was loving every minute of it-as I was too!
I love her belly in a bathing suit! It sticks out and is so cute
Look how happy she is!
I especially love that AJ is smiling along with Lily
Family photo
Playing in the water fountain thingy :)
She loved playing in this little fountain
Looking a bit concerned! But she was having fun, I promise!
Running through some fountains!
Andrea and I doing some self portraits on a different day when just us 2 went to the pool
And another one! I'm sporting' my new Modbe swimsuit and I LOVE IT! (Please stop staring at my pasty thighs! I tried cutting it out, but it only made the picture smaller-oh well!)
Lily loves her Grandpa and loves playing with him! Especially when there are balloons around (They are her favorite thing right now)
And here Lily is in mid-step! She got a second wind one night and woke up after being asleep for only 45 minutes. She came out ready to play! She got tired out pretty quickly and to bed she went again.
Her daddy is making her giggle!
Eating at a fun restaurant in Tumalo-I think it's called Feed Store or something like that
Aren't they cute?! They celebrated their 41st anniversary while we were there! That's why you see balloons in some of the pictures. Andrea had the great idea of getting some balloons and some sparkling cider and celebrating them on their actual anniversary since they were stuck with us :)
We were all taking pictures as couples/families, and poor Andrea was alone because Jeff had to leave early to get back to work! So, the next best thing is me! Just kidding =)
Ranch lips! This girl LOVES ranch
Mmmm....ribs. I set this plate in front of her, totally forgetting that she'd grab at it and I look down and she's humming like she always does when she eats and she's got BBQ sauce on her face! It was quite funny!
Posing with some decor in the restaurant. Lily was fascinated with this man and kept wanting to touch it!
They had this nasty bear rug on top of a piano-it was scary looking!
Finally, the last photo for this post! We stopped at a rest area on the way home so we could feed Lily lunch. AJ was trying to be "artsy" and do a weird angle. I kinda like it! I'm glad to be home to sleep in my own bed, but I wish I was back at Eagle Crest already! Can't wait to go again in August!
Whoa, I didn't know Modbe was known about outside of Utah. It is such a Utah thing, it is a little weird for me to see you wearing their swimsuit!
What a fun time it looks like you had! And great pics of the family! I think I need a LONG break without the kids...they are driving me nuts! oh to lay by the pool without having to worry about anything!...sigh...someday! Glad your home!
Opps...the last comment is from me actually I forgot to change who was posting was still logged into my mother in law's name!Sorry!
So much fun in the sun! :) You guys are a cute little family...Lily is getting so big! She is gorgeous! :) And dont worry I am pasty as well and I have to get into a swimsuit in a few weeks in Hawaii...ahhh!! :) Oh I noticed you have those place mat thingys! I love those...they come in so handy and Ive never seen anyone else with them! :)
SO fun! I love Eagle Crest! We're going to be there the second to last week of August, maybe you'll be there too!? I'd love to see you again and precious little Lily! She is seriously adorable, I just wanna squeeze her! =)
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