Weird title to this post! But lately I've been in the mood for chocolate cookies and sprouts for my sandwiches! I love eating out-especially for lunch-and I realized to make a "fancy" sandwich like all those sandwich places out there I can just add sprouts and "voila"! I've got a fancy sandwich at home that didn't cost me an arm and leg.

And the best part is that it makes me feel like I'm eating healthy-can't beat that! I'm also trying to cut down on my eating portions because I've just got to lose that last 10 pounds of baby weight! I mean, my baby isn't so much a baby anymore but a toddler. And before we try to have another baby, I'd feel really good about myself if I can lose 10 pounds. So, there you have it. I blogged about it and now all of you blog readers out there (which I think might be 5 of you!) can hold me accountable. So, on to the cookie part of this post! I figure if I only eat a 1/2 of a sandwich-which is what I did for lunch today-then I can treat myself to a chocolate cookie right? I don't want to eat along the lines that I can't have sweets because I know I'd just crave it more. This way, if I control my portions then I can eat what I want! (I'm telling myself that this will work =) And the other day I was craving cake mix cookies. My sis-in-law gave me this fantastic cook book "101 ways to use a cake mix" and they have great, easy cookie recipes (and some other stuff too)

So here are my chocolate cake mix cookies! I love them and the bad part is that AJ doesn't love them (he's very picky when it comes to types of cookies) and that means I have a lot of cookies sitting on my counter right now that I'm trying really hard not to consume! I did give a plate away to my friend Anna, but what about the rest?! Just 1 cookie a day? Maybe I'll give some more away! And with that same friend Anna, we've decided to hold each other accountable to running (yikes!) 3 times a week early (7:30am) in the morning before our husbands go to work at the church. That way they can watch the kiddos-or kid-while we run. I'm scared, mainly because I don't want to be a quitter in this area and I know it'll be good if I just do it. And if I have to bring Lily along that's fine too because of our cool jogger stroller. But we figure if we both hold each other to this then we have to do it right? Because AJ can't wear the "trainer" hat with me. I just get annoyed. Which is sad, because I know he'd be good at it. But he's my husband-not trainer. Anyway, that is what I'm writing today. Sadly to all of you out there that read this blog just for those Lily pictures, well, there are none for this post. Sorry. But I've got some cute ones saved up that I'll post next time!! So here's to working out! And chocolate cookies! Oh no, what did I commit to?!
You crack me up! You can do going through the same thing but since we are going to Hawaii in 2 weeks I am hard coreing it with NO carbs or sweets! Got to loose a little more before the trip! :) And Ive been running with the jogger too...which I love by the way! :) Oh and yes Jack is walking now...full on and all over the place! Scary! :)
Good thing to have a good friend in Anna to help you stay accountable with the running. Giving up sweets is too much for me, too. Keep up the good work with portion size. Love you!
I just made some cake mix cookies last week! Aren't they yummy? We will be in Salem from July 10-13. Maybe we can meet up! Grandma Geri still asked about you ever so often. =)
Yay!!! You can do it, Amanda!! Good luck with keeping to a schedule. It helps so much when you have a friend to keep you accountable. I am also very impressed that you can make cookies and eat just one a day - or even attempt to eat just one a day. That doesn't work in our household - for either Justin or I. Justin truly is the "cookie monster" and will consume anything that is in cookie form. :)
YAH!!!! You go girl! WE will do it!!! And the best part we'll be doing it together so if we mess up a lil bit (eating a lil cookie once in awhile) we'll just have to run an extra mile! HAHA!!! I haven't told Dan yet, because haven't really had a chance but when he gets home I will! I can't wait to start...then maybe my clothes will fit better, I've got lots to loose after having 3 lil ones...I'm going to have to work twice as hard since your so skinny! Let's do it to it! ;) Alrighty friend see ya SUnday! Love ya!
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