I keep forgetting to post some pictures that happened a bit back, so here you go!
This first photo is of my free stuff I got from Dutch Bros.!!! I LOVE coffee and I could seriously drink it all day and all night. Being pregnant was hard for me because I had to cut back on caffeine. But thank goodness for decaf! Anyway, at Dutch Bros. every time you buy a drink you get a stamp on this frequent guest card. After you buy 10 drinks you get the 11th for free-any size and drink. Well, once you turn that card in you can put your name and number on the back and they have monthly drawings to win free stuff! And lucky for me I won last month!! I got a hat, bottle opener (I'm not gonna be using that!), climber's hook thingy, and $20 Dutch dollars! Sad to say, I just used my last dollar there today. But it lasted a long time! This is why I go there! And I'm also lucky because my brother works at Starbucks and he always gives me free coffee!
Just a tad messy!
Something was funny to her! I love this picture-you see her teeth and all the yummy spaghetti sauce that stained her face! It was for sure a bath night after that!

And an action shot! I took this one-and I love the way that Lily is smiling at Andrea-so cute!
These next pictures are of Lily enjoying her spaghetti. This girl LOVES spaghetti and could probably eat it every day. And she loves to feed herself :)
Just a tad messy!
A close-up shot
Then last week we went to my sister-in-law's (Andrea) for dinner and went to the park that's by her house. She took some fantastic photos of Lily playing!
She loves the swings and will point excitedly towards them whenever she sees them!

Such a cute little smirk

I love this picture-it looks all artsy because of the way it turned out, but this was by accident! Andrea is a natural photographer :)

Too bad she isn't looking at the camera-oh well!

And this is Angelina's baby Shiloh-I just had to add this picture-after this post, no more talk of it! I just think it's crazy that they kinda look alike! :)
Cute pictures...I love the one of her on the swing with that cute smile! She is so precious! And she does kinda look like Shilo...how funny! But Lily is much cuter! :)
While looking at your blog this morning, Josiah was with me and the first thing he said was, "Lily is a mess!" He was talking about the spaghetti ones of course! Too cute! That is crazy that Shilo looks a lil like her...I agree w/ your friend Amber, Lily is much cuter. Shilo has a funny upper lip or something. And Yah for Dutch bros...have you spent all your Starbucks money yet? :) 'Siah is feeling much better today! Thankfully! It was a dulldrum (sp?) day yesterday here at our casa! :(
Hey! Are you taking swimming classes with Lily? Our swim class is almost over and they have another one right after. They start next week at the Y if you are interested email me! :)
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