I've decided I'm a lazy blogger. I've just been busy lately or when I do find those few minutes of peace and quiet I always fill it with other things like doing my Bible study, or laundry, or dishes or even taking a nap! So, this post is a bit late because of my laziness! But, alas, here it is! Over a week ago my sister Leandra and sister-in-law Andrea threw their 3rd annual Harvest Party. (They became friends when AJ and I started dating! It's so fun to hang out with them when we all are such good friends. I'm blessed that's for sure!) It's a lot of fun of just hanging out, eating some good food, carving pumpkins or playing some games. Lily was supposed to be there as kids are invited to come, but she was falling apart. The only problem was that the party didn't start until 7pm. Lily goes to bed at 7:30. Needless to say, she was a wreck! I quickly called my mom to see if she could put Lily to bed at her house for a bit so that AJ and I could enjoy the party! Unfortunately, Lily never fell asleep! She's in this weird stage right now and is doing all sorts of unimaginable things. Anyway, it was lots of fun! Here are a few pictures of the evening:
My hairy younger brother and beautiful older sister! :) No offense Joel (he never reads this anyway!)
I love him
Dorri carving away on her pumpkin!
The spread! TONS of good food! My sisters did this all! All I did were the cupcakes and little "mummy wraps" (also called pigs in a blanket!)
They had a crazy hat contest too. Dorri won in a category, Andrea had a bird's nest on her head, my sister has her mickey mouse hat, and I borrowed my brother's band hat! I'm lacking a bit in the creative environment :)
My husband the pumpkin head! He carved this bad boy out, rigged something in there to put a little padding in the pumpkin and set it on his head! He won in a category also! And his prize was a gift card to Starbucks-which he gave to me because he doesn't like coffee! YAY!
I just thought this hat was pretty creative. Not the best picture, but it was really cool!
Scary Steve who also won in a category
And my silly brother and husband.
My little poodle-not looking too happy! But she didn't mind her costume!
And the full body shot...I just love the puffiness around her belly!
And her backside that wiggled when she walked!
All in all it was a fun evening!
For Halloween we took Lily trick-or-treating to her auntie's house (Andrea had other plans and wasn't home that evening) and of course we went to the grandparent's houses. Both grandmas gave Lily healthy treats! And some cute clothes! This girl is sooo spoiled! Our church was also having a harvest party. We got there around 7pm and only stayed 3o minutes. They had a dunk tank, lots of games, face painting, and yummy snacks. The games were a little old for Lily to play, but she loved running around in her little costume. Everyone loved her outfit. I'm amazed she kept it on. By the time we were walking out to go home she was screaming and throwing a fit because she didn't want to go. And everyone was staring at us. Awesome. I didn't take any pictures of us at the party, but here's just a couple of her before we went trick-or-treating.
It was a fun Halloween and I look forward to more when Lily can actually go trick or treating and know what it means! I can't believe it's November already! AJ's birthday is in 2 weeks and then Thanksgiving then Christmas! I actually JUST saw my first Christmas commercial-and it's November 3rd! I'm excited for the upcoming holiday season!
Yay I'm glad you found my blog! I wanted as many Salem-Heighters as I could 'cause I really miss all of you! I'll be reading your blog too. :) I love your pictures of your little girl!
Wow looks like you guys had a ton of fun! I love the pumpkin hat! :)
Lily is so adorable in her poodle costume, that is for sure the cutest outfit I have seen! Tell your sis HI for me! I totally miss her and we still really need to get together sometime. :)
Looks like so much fun! I like the crazy hat idea...and AJ's is quite creative! Lily looks so adorable in her poodle costume!
Too cute! It was a lot of fun at the harvest party...so nice of your sisters to put that all together! :) and yese I can't wait till our kids don't have to go to bed so early and we can trick or treat together! :)
Love the poodle. Sounds like a fun party, maybe AJ can white elephant the pumpkin hat. It was awesome.
Looks like you had a great halloween! Cute little girl that's for sure. :)
Lily looks soooooo cute in her costume!! I am so excited for Chirstmas too, but Tyler won't let me play Christmas music yet...when he is home=)
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