These pictures are a couple weeks old, but I'm just now getting to posting them! I haven't been in the blogging mood this past week, mainly because I had a really bad cold. And the free time I did have was spent napping! I'm feeling lots better today though, thank goodness! Anyway, Lily loves playing outside, even if it's freezing out! She has this bubble car on loan from the Steiner's (Thanks guys!) and she loves it. Her new thing is to "wash" her car with a rag like mommy and daddy do. She also loves to play with water of any kind. I had walked away from her to get her a rag to "wash" her car and come back to find her pretty much soaking from head to toe. I had forgotten about our dog, Charlie, and his water dish was right near where she was playing! Oh well. Needless to say, she got a bath that night!
Sitting in her car with her wash ragCharlie being a good dog and keeping guard of Lily-he is so good with her too! For which I am grateful!
Showing me her smile! Looking very wet too! Don't mind her mismatched outfit, they are play clothes! :)
Such a precious girl.
I am SO looking forward to warmer days! For our back door to be open and Lily just running around outside, to park play dates with friends, picnics, taking walks, etc. I'm ready for SPRING!
Gosh I can't believe how long her hair is getting! I remember your posts about getting her hair in pigtails! Yikes! I seriously can't believe how fast they grow! We would love to see you guys in June! You will have to let us know what days so we can coordinate something!
Sigh...I want warm sun too...:) Brrr...wasn't she so cold getting wet? I guess kids don't really care though! And glad she is enjoying the use of the car! WHat fun!
Too cute! And I totally agree...I am so ready for the sun and being able to play outside again. Jack loves being outside and going for walks too so I am looking forward to the sun! :)
Charlie looks like an old man in that picture and oh so serious.
I garee. I am so ready for spring. I am itching to get outside and play with Cade in the sunshine. Lilly is so cute and so is your protective watch dog!
So cute how she likes to wash her car. And that's great the dog is so protective of her. I can't wait till the nice weather comes too!
your little girl, isn't so little anymore!!! Gosh time flies. She is sooooo cute!!!! Um.... i thought i would let you know (since you do have a little girl.) My sister Gina started her own business not to long ago. it's called Posy. She makes all sorts of adorable head accessories, for all ages. I even have some for myself. Anyway check out her blog. it's She is having a party tomorrow night, if you want to come! Let me know I'll give you directions. it should be fun!!!!!
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