She looks like this:

And this:

This poor girl has PINK EYE! It's her first experience with it and it is not fun. It's hard to tell in the picture, but her right eye is infected. This was taken yesterday. And this morning when she woke up it spread to her left eye. Poor girl. Of course we have to give her eye drops 4 times a day! She is so strong too that it takes both AJ and I to hold her down and get drops in her eyes. At this point I'm told she's not contagious anymore, but her eyes just look bad. She of course got this all on Friday. I had left for women's retreat at the coast (so much fun!!!) and not a second after we pulled into the hotel parking lot that AJ called and asked, "What do I do if Lily has a goopy eye?" Great. I told him to call the nurse, the nurse said to wait until Sat. and if it gets worse to bring her in. Well, it wasn't worse, but it wasn't better. He brought her in all by himself (such a good daddy!) and they prescribed drops. BUT, the doctor said not to use the drops until her eye turns pink. At that point it wasn't pink yet, and the doctor said it could just be a viral infection in her eye. So, I get home Sunday afternoon and Lily wakes from her nap and her eye is worse. We finally get the RX filled and start the drops. I really wish we would've done the drops in the first place! It might have been preventable from her getting pink eyes in the first place! Oh well, now we know. Anyway, this girl just wasn't herself yesterday. We just had a day at home and after she was crying in the above picture, I just sat on the couch with her. We stayed like that for 20 minutes in peace and quiet. She didn't talk, move, nothing. You know she's sick when she just lays still like that since she's normally a ball of energy! She ended up falling asleep on me at 11:45 am. I was able to sneak a picture of her sleeping:
A dark picture, but it's so sweet! It was wonderful having her fall asleep like that. She hasn't done that since she was an itty bitty baby! After 20 min. my arm was starting to fall asleep and I was hungry for lunch! After moving out from underneath her I was able to situate her on the couch with pillows on the floor just in case she rolled off (she never did.) She never woke up once. So I took another picture:
Oh how I love a sleeping baby! So peaceful. And she always sleeps with her legs crossed-it's the cutest thing! But she slept on that couch for 2 hours straight. And I was even banging around in the kitchen and she never woke. Of course it made for a long afternoon since she napped so early. But we made it through the day. I sure hope her eyes feel better! I'm sad I keep missing Bible study because she's sick. That girl needs some kid playtime! Here's to hoping for a fast recovery!
OH her sad big blue eyes! :( Makes me sad for her! And I agree it is so sweet when they fall asleep on you when they get older, it really makes you cherish those moments! We will pray that she feels better soon! Because we miss hanging out with her and you too!
Oh poor girl. That is just not fun at all...and even worse that it spread to the other eye! Poor girl! I hope she feels better real soon!
Poor girl, hope she is feeling better today!
Friend... i think it is funny that you took pictures of your poor sick baby... she was probably like "mom come on, stop taking pictures". Love ya!
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