First off, I know I'm a lazy blogger! Haven't found the time to do this in a while :) But, here we go! A few weeks ago, AJ's brother, his wife, and their little girl came to town for a week from Texas! Their little girl, Kate, turns 1 this next week and this was the first time AJ and I had seen her! She was so fun to be around and see her little personality! Lily did very well with her which amazed me. I was so worried since Lily's been in this awesome stage of hitting kids (really, it's not awesome.) But, she did well. There were a few times she took toys from Kate, but once she was told to share she did pretty good! We had a great time with Aaron and Kara and loved having them here to visit and just hang out with.
Auntie Kara and Uncle Aaron with Lily-Lily really took to them, especially Kara and always wanted Kara to hold her! It was pretty cute!
AJ and his brother with Kate.
The cousins! Not the greatest picture of Lily, but you get the idea!
Kara, Aaron and Kate-what a great family picture of them!
Lily kissing on Kate-she loved giving Kate kisses and hugs!
I love this picture-except for Lily's cheesy smile. But I still love it!
Sweet Kate-or baby Kate as Lily would call her. She isn't quite walking on her own but is great cruising around furniture.
Me and Kate...she's not too sure about me :)
We had sooo much fun with them here and I wish we lived closer to them!
Kate is a cutie! :) Looks like LILY loved having a baby around to love on!
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