My baby girl is growing up so fast! She looks and acts so old right now, and I know as soon as this little boy enters our lives, she'll look even bigger to me! She has officially been in her big girl bed for about 2 months now. She's doing so well and we've had no problems-yet! She waits for us to get her out of bed in the mornings and if she is crying at night for some reason, she doesn't get out of bed-she just calls for us! I'm SO thankful that this adjustment went so well! We recently moved her over into her new room (which means her old room will be for the baby) and painted and decorated. It's such a little girl's room! I love it, but it kinda makes me sad because she's growing up! Here's some pictures of her new room:
The view from outside the door-I love how pink and girly it is!

My $20 craigslist dresser! I love how it turned out! Unfortunately, I bought it from a smoker not even realizing how that makes the wood smell! We tried all sorts of things and it isn't that bad now thankfully. But I'm looking into getting either scented liners for the drawers or potpourri bags because I can still smell it on her clothes. AJ says he can't, and maybe I only can because of my heightened sense of smell! But I gotta fix it!
The other way in which Lily is growing up is she's POTTY TRAINED!!! Well mostly. I was going to post a picture of her in her cute panties, but I decided not to considering I don't know what kind of people out there could come across my blog! But it was cute-take my word for it :) She's been doing so awesome at going on the potty. It's been going for almost 2 weeks now. My mother-in-law had given me some panties she bought for Lily and one day I decided to just put them on her. We were home and not going anywhere, so why not try! That day she had 3 accidents-2 pee and 1 poo. Gross. But, she was successful on the potty. We give her a "pee-pee bean" when she goes (it's either 2 M&Ms or 1 Junior Mint, depending on what I have on hand!) and praise her a ton! We started on a Thursday and the very next day we went to the mall to get our pictures done (the one from the previous post) and I had put her in a diaper. As we're waiting for our pictures to be printed she tells me that she has to go potty. I think "yah, right." But off we go to the public bathroom to try. Well, I set her on the toilet and she totally went!! I was amazed! Of course I hadn't brought any pee-pee beans not even thinking she'd go in public-and on the 2nd day too! Luckily, there was a vending machine right outside the bathrooms. So after paying $1 for some M&Ms, we had our traveling pee-pee beans on hand! And it's been great since. We put her in diapers at nap time and bed time, but I'm noticing that she's staying dry during those times! I'm still a bit leery of putting her in panties overnight, but I know we'll get there. The only problem with potty training is the dreaded #2. She's gone two times on the potty, but that's it. All the other times she's timed it just right in her diaper! But that's better than having a mess in her panties. She just gets scared and I have no idea why. I've tried bribing her with treats and everything. The other night she went because I said she could have ice cream and we took books in there. It actually worked. Tonight she kept saying she had to go but would only sit on the potty for a second. She didn't want to read books or anything. I finally just put her to bed (because it was time anyway!) and I know she'll probably go in her diaper. Hopefully she'll get over her fear though! I am so proud of how quickly she trained and she's proving to be such a big girl! Sorry for so much talk about the potty-it's just very exciting for AJ and me! It's funny what excites us as parents!
Her big girl room is so cute! You did a great job! Wish I was that creative. :) Hannah does the same - instead of getting out of bed, just calls for us...which is nice! And congrats to Lily for being potty trained!
I love how cute the flowers look on her wall! so fun! And it makes me sad to think she is growing up so fast too! She is such a sweet girl!
WAy to go miss Lily for being potty trained! Now your mommy will only have 1 in diapers! :) AWESOME!!
I love Lily's new room! So cute and girly! Amazing about the potty training and it is so normal for her to be afraid of going #2. Just keep trying, she'll get over it eventually!
I love reading your blog, because it gives me a glimpse at what I have in my future. :) I hope Ellie potty trains as well as Lilly!! Way to go!!
It's so great when they are finally potty trained. How exciting!
I love her room and great job on the potty training! I love the "Pee-pee beans"!
LOVE it! Such a pretty room! Good job, Mama.
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