Last weekend, our church was putting on a beach day in Pacific City so our little family decided it'd be fun to go. It was on Saturday and it was beautiful weather! It was definitely windy, but clear, blue skies. Lily had a blast! The "beach day" didn't start until 12 so I was a bit worried about Lily knowing she'd be missing a nap completely. But she played hard and had fun. She loved playing in the sand and really wanted to play in the ocean the entire time! That water was sooo cold though! As I was coming out to her and AJ to take some pictures, she was running to me and tripped and face planted in the sand/water. It freaked her out for a second and luckily AJ was right behind her to pick her up! After that we said she needed to take a break and play in the sand only since her skin was turning purple from being so cold! She was cold for a while and just wanted to sit in my lap. Luckily, after about 30 minutes she was ready to dig in the sand and play with the other kids. Of course she went in the ocean again with AJ, but they stayed in the more shallow part this time!
The beautiful Oregon coast!
As soon as we got there, she headed for a spot on the sand and started playing.
This was right after she face planted. Notice her face isn't the happiest-poor girl!
Trying to warm her up after her fall!
AJ getting ready to serve-he's in the upper left hand corner. People wanted him on their team cause he's tall! : )
She finally warmed up and was wanting to dig a hole....
So she could sit in it!
Lily playing with the boys-already!!
AJ being the best daddy and playing with her...I just wanted to sit in a chair and relax!
Then a crazy group of kids and a 2 adults decided to boogie board. They were crazy but they had a lot of fun!
My great friend Anna and I hanging out!
Not the best picture of us, but you get the idea :)
Our "water Lily"!
We had a great time even if it was only for an afternoon. Lily did crash on the way home-but only for 30 minutes! Once we got home and took her out of her car seat, we realized she went pee in her pants! She must've done this while sleeping which is why she woke up after only a half hour. Other than that one accident she's been doing great with potty training!
So cute and so fun! I miss the Oregon coast!
So bummed we missed that day!! Stinkin' football.;) Oh well, hopefully it will work out next summer if they do it again! GREAT pictures!
We had a great time! :) Next time you won't be prego and you can hike up that HUGE dune with me and we can pant together! :)
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