I can't believe that Jameson is 1 month old today!! In some ways it feels like he's been here longer than a month, and in other ways it feels too short as well! We are loving our son and Lily loves her brother (until she picks on him to see how we'll react, ugh!) Anyway, a few highlights for Jameson at 1 month:
*He smiled for the first time at us a couple weeks ago-and no, it wasn't just his gas making him do it! He was clearly looking at me and then again at AJ and smiling! Some day we'll catch it on camera!
*He smiled for the first time at us a couple weeks ago-and no, it wasn't just his gas making him do it! He was clearly looking at me and then again at AJ and smiling! Some day we'll catch it on camera!
*He is already out of 0-3 month clothing! I just put him in 3-6 month clothes today for the first time and they fit him great. This scares me!
*He is REALLY heavy-especially in his car seat! I struggle carrying him in it now that I'm worried what it'll be like when he's 4 months old!
*Sleeps great during the day-I have to wake him all day long just to make him eat.
*Wakes up on his own during the night to eat! What is this about? The kid is over 10 pounds that you would think he could go longer than 3 hours! Although last night I had a 4 hour stretch and it was heaven!
*He is a very happy and content little baby (except for when his sister hurts him, then he'll cry!) 
Just hanging out-I can't let him lay on a blanket without my FULL supervision. Lily tried to step on him one time. Awesome.
Daddy helping pull him up to get good neck strength!
He didn't like it after a while
I wanted a picture of me and Jameson and Lily wanted in as well :) When this girl sees a camera she always wants her picture taken!
All cozy and ready to brave the FREEZING weather we've been having!
Sleeping on daddy-melts my heart!
He is just precious Amanda!!
What a cutie! He is getting so big. Cade was big too and the only good thing about lugging around a ten pounder is that they have more meat on them and sleep through the night earlier. My doctor said it's usually around 13 lbs. Look on the bright side... That isn't too far away! :)
I can't believe he's 1 month already too! CRAZY! So cute though! My boys were always so big too...I am sure you remember that! :) I hated carrying them in their carrier.I couldn't wait til they could sit up so I didn't have to carry that thing around! Hope you are doing well and see ya when we get back! Miss ya!
Wow, he's really coming along and looking so big and non-newbornish already! Way to go little momma!
So sweet and adorable! He is so perfect, I just want snuggle him! Can't believe it's been a month!
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