We waited until my brother got off work at 8:30pm to leave! It was about a 3 1/2 hour drive. We didn't pull in until 12:15 am! But the kids slept the whole way! They were already in their PJ's so it worked out great.

My brother Joel being so silly with a beach towel!
One day we headed over to a lake property the camp also owns. It was so beautiful there! We even got to do some paddle boating and
ride in a canoe.

The crew-poor Jameson and his too big of a life jacket! He did not like wearing it!

Ready for our family paddle boat ride! AJ did all the work paddling since Jameson and I sat in the back. It was a quick trip around on the lake!

AJ and I took a turn in the canoe...

Yah, we're cool! :)

Katie doing a fabulous job of watching the kiddos while we were playing on the water!

Every day we were there we always made an opportunity to go and play pickle ball! It's a game similar to tennis but the net is shorter. You play with paddles that are a bit bigger than a ping pong paddle and the ball is a whiffle ball. I was terrible at it! But AJ LOVED it being the tennis lover that he is : ) It was still a fun time for us to all hang out and let Lily run around!

Here's my action shot-and looking dorky! I had fun though!

AJ playing with Katie's brother Kyle.

Jameson was happy to just sit in his stroller and watch!

Lily and Katie getting ready to make 500 chocolate chip cookies! Lily LOVES Katie and everywhere we went Lily was always asking where Katie was or what she was doing! It was pretty cute.

Enjoying the GIANT beater way too much!


Bike ride on the boardwalk!

Hanging out in Long Beach.

Silly hat! I think her eyes look so pretty!

She loved digging in the sand!

He loved chewing on his cup!

Katie and Joel-wished he would smile more nicely! :)

I love my family!!

Joel and Fiona. And everyone says Jameson is a spitting image of my brother (which I think so too!) What do you think?!

Serving campers their lunch-this was my favorite!

Jameson loved staring at Ben (he's a friend of Katie's family.)

Katie with her parents Linda and Steve.
So fun :) Lily was talking about seeing "Joley" when you were inside the other day, so it's fun to get to see the pics!
Fun to see Katie too! Dana and I stayed with her and Becca at Corban about a million years ago, and I haven't seen her much since.
It looks like you had an amzaing time! :) What a fun camp to go to! Glad you got a chance to relax w/ the family and build new memories!
You package was sent on Friday so you should get it soon :)
Dom will be in preschool 3 mornings a week as he will start kindergarten in a year.
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