Yup. Disaster with a capital D! I had this grand idea to take Lily (I guess I wanted it to be a tradition) to get her picture taken in her costume every year for Halloween. The Picture People is always sending me a coupon for a free 8x10 photo. So, of course, I can't pass that offer up! I should've known it'd be a disaster from the moment I made the appointment. I was hoping for an appt. at 10:00 or earlier if they were open, but the earliest they could do was 11:10. So, I reluctantly took it. We get there on time and there are only 2 people working. One was already taking pictures and another was showing pictures to a mom who couldn't decide what to get! We were the only ones waiting (thank the Lord my mom and dad were there to help me!! I couldn't have done it without them!) and Lily was running all around the lobby of this place playing with the props and being a toddler. We waited for 15 minutes and Lily was pretty much done by then. We change her into her costume and the guy shows her how she should sit on the mat. And Lily actually did what he said! Then of course we're standing behind this guy trying to make this girl smile and she is just staring at us. I couldn't for the life of me think of ways to get her to smile! I was thinking back to the days of when she was a baby and when we were taking pictures we'd make silly noises or clap our hands. Lily just stared. Then she starts to get up and says "all d" (her way of saying all done) and is walking towards me. We try props, poses, me standing near her but not with her because I don't want to be in the picture! We tried everything. And we got nothing. The guy took 4 pictures. One of which Lily is completely crying with a tear down her face and everything. My mom got that one-it is quite cute I have to admit. So the picture below is as good as it's gonna get!

But isn't her poodle outfit the cutest?!! Her little behind is padded near the tail and when she is walking it waddles back and forth! It's adorable! You can tell by the look in her face she is in the midst of saying "all d" and is starting to get up. At least the guy snapped it so you can kind of see her costume. SIGH. Oh well. Christmas pictures should be interesting as well. This girl just can't sit still! Hopefully by her 2nd birthday in 4 months she'll be able to sit long enough to capture a cute smile! This was a Halloween picture I will most definitely remember! Thanks mom and dad for your help again and for purchasing her costume :)
I LOVEIT!! It's sooo cute! Sometimes the cutest pics are ofa the ones of them not smiling! Just remember that someday when she asks why she wasn't smling or why she was crying you can tell her because you didn't want to cooperate! :) That's the fun part of having kids! It's always nice to have help too! I was just thinking to myself...I wonder how her pics went...and then saw this post! Now I know! :) How fun though! It's a memory and an adorable picture no matter what! :0 ) Love that girl! ;)
It is still a really cute picture!! You will love it in the future and (hopefully) be able to laugh at the story that accompanies it!
I have the same problem! I want to get new family pictures but I can't get Silas to sit still by himself, let alone coordinate it with three other people. But I think Lily looks cute anyway!
That is to funny! What a cute costume too! So cute! Its actually an adorable picture too and a memory you will never forget! :)
As crazy as it was, you will never forget that day. You will look at those pictures and miss her at that age and in that moment. Cade was screaming during his Halloween pics too. We only got one good shot!
her costume is so so cute!! It kinda looks like she is barking in the picture . . very fitting!
Oh she is the cutest doggie!! I'm sorry it was such a disaster! For being such a disaster that pictures is pretty cute!
Oh and I can't believe how long Lily's hair is getting!
I think Jami and I can both relate to that experience from our days at the picture people! I still think that photo is super cute though! Love the costume! love hols
Kids are so frustrating some times. We can't seem to convince them how much they will love having the picture some day either. I love the costume, Sarah was a pink poodle for her 2nd halloween. She wore it for months after.
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