I love that it's basically summertime around here! We've been having such great weather and it makes me happy! Last weekend we had people over for a little burn pit. With our wedding gift cards, we purchased this little outdoor fire pit. We didn't use it too much at first, but the last couple of years we've brought it out lots. Lily hasn't seen it yet, because we always wait until she's in bed so we can have some adult time! One of these days we can make one early for her :) I think she'd like it! Anyway, it's fun to sit around and talk and roast s'mores! I LOVE THEM!
Trying out different settings on my camera and thought it turned out kinda cool! This is Joel (my brother) and Katie
And one with the flash on!
My sister Leandra and her boyfriend Kevin.
Me and AJ

And the burn pit!
Here's to more nights of fun! And if you ever wanna come over just let me know! The more the merrier :)
Since your inviting..:) Hm...we should have a girls night around the pit sometime! :0 ) Looks like a fun...and love those summer nights too!
Is 5 more still merrier? If so we're in any time :)
Um, I'm logged in as Kyle I guess, but it's Wendy.
Fun!!! I love smores...can I have one right now?! :)
I got your comment on our blog, yes I do a lot with Jack! I try to stay busy with him so he is not bored in the house everyday, cause it seems like the more we stay home the more trouble he gets in! :) But we have a membership at the Gilbert House so we go there a lot (just went today too) he loves it there. And that membership includes OMSI so we go there too, they have a kids science room that is a ton of fun! And the grandparents have a zoo membership for the grandkids so yes we do a lot but its cause its all free for us....except the driving there of course! :) When you are ever up for a day out let me know, maybe we can go to the zoo together. We go there a lot too...Jack loves it! :)
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