A few weeks ago we headed on over to Eagle Crest Resort to stay with the Acker's for our annual summer vacation! It's a week of fun where I don't have to cook, clean, and there are millions of babysitters for Lily! The boys played golf 3 different days while Andrea and I layed by the pool-not as often as we'd used to though! It's hard laying out when you're pregnant and it's hot outside! Here are some fun pictures of our week there:
My stylish little girl!
The first night there we took a family bike ride. I was extremely nervous to ride one because a)I'm pregnant and b)I hadn't been on a bike in years! But I'm happy to say all went well and I had a ton of fun! We actually did bike rides a lot while we were there. We've been on 1 since we've been home. It's just not the same riding bikes on busy streets in Salem compared to the beautiful grounds at Eagle Crest! Oh well!
Barb bought this awesome scooter for Lily to have while we were there. Unfortunately, she didn't use it much. I think she was just a bit afraid of falling. But she's been riding it ever since we got home so it is getting some use out of it!
There are probably 4 pools (I think) here and they have this awesome kiddie pool area at one of the pools. Lily LOVED it! She was such a water baby and could stay in there all day if we let her. This pool was nice because it was big enough for her to walk around in and even float around on her tummy. She loves the water!
This face isn't the best, but she really is having fun!
My hot husband :) I loved how he would just get in and play with her so I could sit in the shade!
I love the look on their faces-especially Lily! She didn't love this water feature, but I don't blame her. The water was cold and powerful!
In mid-jump! This girl has no fear. She would just keep jumping over and over into the water. AJ caught her most of the time, but would let her go under for a second so she could practice putting her head under. He would tell her before he did this so she knew it was coming. And she would keep saying "more!"
One night AJ, me, and Andrea went for a bike ride. It was nice for AJ to pedal around without Lily sitting in a bike seat behind him! And yes, I know my belly is huge. But in my defense the shirt I'm wearing isn't maternity! :)
One day Andrea and I went along with the boys to golf while Barb so lovingly stayed behind with Lily (thank you!!). We stayed with them through hole 12. It was so much fun because I got to drive the golf cart-my first time ever! It did get hot, but thankfully there was enough shade for us.
Andrea and I
AJ practicing his putting skills.
And Jeff....
And Dan
AJ taking a swing at one of the holes
Andrea said she had to take my picture! I was taking AJ's picture and instead of trying to hold the club and my camera at the same time, I just rested the club on my stomach! Worked for me! :)
Andrea and I got to swing at one of the holes just for fun. Andrea is really good, when I on the other hand, pretty much stink!
I think this was my second attempt at trying to hit the ball. I completely missed the first time! And in my defense again, I'm left handed but had to hit right handed. (I'm pretty sure I would have missed either way!) After golfing we came back and took Lily down to the river to cool off-well, mainly the boys cooled off while Lily played a bit. It was very refreshing and just a short walk from where we were staying.
Daddy and his little girl
It was so beautiful out there!
The boys swimming around
Lily found some nice dirty, slimy water to play in. But she was happy!
Then she wanted me to hold her-I love this girl!
Then she wanted to swim with daddy! Again, this girl is fearless because that water was cold!
There was this giant rock sitting out of the water a bit, so AJ plopped Lily right on top of it-she loved it!
Enjoying some cereal before bed-and using my tummy as a shelf! I love it!

Andrea and Jeff at dinner. One night we all headed out to eat at Tumalo Feed ( I think that's what it's called!) It's this fun restaurant where you get tons of food and the atmosphere is cool too!
Dan and Barb
I'm pretty sure this is the best picture I have of Lily-it's a true smile! You can tell that she's definitely a daddy's girl!
And our happy family!
Andrea and Jeff at dinner. One night we all headed out to eat at Tumalo Feed ( I think that's what it's called!) It's this fun restaurant where you get tons of food and the atmosphere is cool too!
We had such a great time and were spoiled rotten! Thanks to the Acker's for everything!
FUN! I remember your post of Lily with the water features from last year...wow how time flies! And you look so darn cute! I think my favorite picture is the one with the golf club. Someday your boy is going to love golfing and he'll love seeing that picture. Too cute! :)
Oh I love those fun summer pics! Looks like it was such a fun relaxing time! :0) And your belly is so cute! :) WHat a cute lil boy he is going to be! :) FUN! ANd great new memories!
Fun trip, looked very relaxing.
That just looked like good fun right there.
And I'm SO glad Andrea took that picture of you! Classic.:)
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