I was looking back through old pictures that I've taken at Halloween since Lily has been born. Thought it'd be fun to share them with you all!

Such a sweet, little baby!! I loved this costumer because Lily wasn't even crawling yet so the mermaid was perfect for her. She was 8 months old in this picture. Doesn't she and Jameson look alike?!

Lily was almost 2 in this picture. And this was at the stage where she did NOT want to sit still for pictures-which is why her face isn't super smiley! At least I have documentation of her in this costume though!

And last year's Halloween. It's amazing how much older she looks now compared to just 1 year ago! I really wasn't planning on getting her a costume last year. Terrible right? It's because I was so GINORMOUSLY pregnant and I honestly thought I'd be in labor or have a newborn by the time Halloween came around. Plus, I hate Halloween and didn't have the motivation to do anything for it. Once I came to the realization of how selfish I was being, I quickly bought a costume on clearance the week before Halloween and we did a little trick-or-treating. Lily had a blast! And then I felt guilty for almost not letting her dress up. Oh well-the past is the past right?! :)

OH.MY.WORD. Do you see how HUGE my belly was?!! And my face?!! SO thankful my baby is almost 1 year and not in my belly right now!

And the last picture of just the 3 of us before Jameson was born! We are going to try and go to the pumpkin patch tomorrow (weather pending) so hopefully we can recreate this picture with Jameson in it!!
I LOVE the mermaid suit :) And I must agree, it is good to not be pregnant :)
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