Yes, I know Halloween is over. But, since we're still in November it's OK to post about pumpkins right?! I completely forgot to write about a trip to the pumpkin patch and carving pumpkins so here you go!
We were so busy during October that the first Saturday we had free was the day before Halloween! Why not go to a pumpkin patch that day? We took Lily's friend, Zoe, with us and they had a ball playing-even though it was raining! Luckily, all of the fun activities to do were in a barn so they were dry as can be!

The girls in jail

Being silly when I was trying to get their attention. If one does something, the other one copies! I think Lily put her arm up first. Silly girls!

Such good friends!

Playing in the corn pit. Both girls wanted to "model" the corn.

My sweet Jameson just hanging out in the stroller.
And a few days before Halloween, we decided to carve a pumpkin! Here is Lily feeling the inside of a pumpkin for the first time.

She did not like it! This is her pouty face...isn't it pretty? Not! I guess I'll just save this picture and embarrass her when she's older. I'm such a mean mom :)

Jameson is loving this pumpkin stuff!

He wanted to see what the pumpkin tasted like.

And why not taste the top of it too?

And since we were laughing at Jameson tasting the pumpkin, Lily wanted some attention too. Here she is tasting the pumpkin. She's a weirdo :)

And the finished product!

Ta Da! And Lily did help scoop out the insides once we got her a big spoon! Who knew she wouldn't like to get her hands all slimy?!
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