*Warning: This will be a SUPER long post with lots of pictures....I just couldn't choose a few for this big birthday post!*
What a bittersweet day for me! My sweet baby turns 1 today and I honestly can't believe it's been a year already! I remember the day of his birth like it was yesterday! I remember waking up super early because I was too nervous and excited to sleep. I remember reading my Bible in the early morning and reading about God's promises and how He is faithful to me. I remember getting a shower and doing my hair and make-up before going to the hospital. (such a difference compared to when Lily was born and we left for the hospital at 1am!) I remember laying in the bed getting all hooked up to monitors and IVs and being prepped for surgery and being super anxious, but God was with me! My husband was an amazing support too. And shortly thereafter our sweet Jameson entered the world weighing 9 lbs. 12 1/2 oz!!! BIG BOY!
Fresh out of the womb!!
First photo with our little baby boy!
Lily was SO excited to meet her brother! Since she wasn't allowed at the hospital (darn that swine flu!!) she-and we-were thrilled to be home so Lily could finally see Jameson for the first time!
First weeks at home...
1 month old: Love those matching jammies!
Sucking his thumb while sleeping on AJ...so sweet!
2 months: Whoa! Check out those thunder thighs!!! This boy loves to eat!

3 months old: First trip to Disneyland!
He doesn't realize that he's at the "Happiest Place on Earth!"
4 months: Really starting to get more chubby and smiley!
His red hair is the BEST!
5 months: Asleep while getting his diaper changed!

6 months: Can finally get his toes into his mouth! It took him a while to reach that leg over his ginormous belly!
I love dressing them in matching outfits!
7 months: Sitting up so well
Here he is dancing at his Auntie Leandra and Uncle Kevin's wedding!
8 months: Is the best sleeper and will sleep anywhere-including at the pool!
He loves being with his sister!
9 months: He loves standing against furniture!
And he loves playing outside!
11 months: Exploring, crawling, and moving all over the place!
Showing off his teeth!
12 months: Still a snuggly, great sleeper, and happy baby!
And he loves his mama! He won't say "mama" too often, only when he's crying and wants me to hold him! Then he will say "mamamamama" over and over. I think it's cute-for now at least!
He LOVES the dishwasher! He's usually fussy when I'm trying to make dinner and will stand on the ground clinging to my leg because he wants me to hold him. Since I can't do that and cook at the same time, I found he is happy as can be if he can stand at the dishwasher! He'll jibber jabber while pulling silverware out and banging it on pots. Whatever keeps him happy!
That was the fastest year of my life. I don't remember time moving this fast when it was just Lily! I long for just one more moment to hold Jameson as an infant so I can love on him and squeeze on him while he was so little! I do realize I sound like an over emotional crazy mom here! But, I'm just sad his infant/baby days are over. I still call him my baby and probably will until the day he says "Hey mom? I'm 10 now. Can you please not call me your baby?!" Ok, sadness over, I'm so excited to see what kind of boy he will turn out to be! I can already tell he will be into everything! He loves crawling and moving all over the place. He can stand up on his own from sitting down on the ground and without holding onto anything! He has yet to take any steps, but I can tell he'll get there soon! He babbles all the time and says dada every once in a while along with dog and mama. He has 6 teeth! They all seem to be coming in right after each other! He sleeps great at night and takes 2 naps a day. Honestly, he is SO much fun! Thank you Lord for this sweet baby that you've given us! Happy 1st Birthday baby boy! (There I go calling him baby again and again! Oh well!)
I still call Westly "baby", and he corrects me when I say it to "sissy" :) It must be something about little boys...
Jameson has grown up so fast!!!! The two month old picture cracks me up- until i read "two months" I was sure it would be more like 6!!!
The last pic of him in the swing is super cute :) And I love all the bother sister photos. Don't they just melt you heart?
Well since Ethan is only nine it's okay that I still call him my baby boy right? No really, but it's just how it's going to be. Jameson is one sweet boy, what a blessing!
You can still call him your baby!! :) Isn't it so true how fast the 2nd child's first year goes?? Crazy! Even just being a friend and watching him grow up he has grown so fast! Love all his pictures!! He really is such a sweetheart!
I can't believe how fast that year went! I love seeing how bug he got as the months went on. His chubby little legs are adorable!
I don't think you're an over emotional crazy mommy. I felt the exact same way about Phaedra. When she turned one, I couldn't believe how quickly we had gotten to that point. I think I'm still in denial that she' 2 already. I still call her my baby, and I'll probably continue until I have another baby.
They are so sweet, and it goes by so fast!
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