Since we've had Lily, I've created a little Valentine from her to give to the family each year-and now with Jameson of course. This year I came upon
this fun idea and had to try it out! I was pleased with the results:

A closer view of it. I asked Lily what she loved about the people we gave them to (aunts, uncle, Grandma, etc.) and she told me what to write. It was quite fun hearing what she loved about each person! Also, yes, I realize Jameson's hand print is pink. I thought of that too late. And it was quite a task painting his hand and creating this print multiple times! I almost had to call poison control (been there, done that) for paint entering his mouth! Luckily, it only touched his lips. But he's fine, so please don't call children services on me k? Thanks.

And a "sweet" friend from church is an amazing baker and shared some of her DELICIOUS cupcake creations with me and my family. Oh, who are we kidding here? I didn't share them with my family! OK, yes I did. But, that chocolate one you see? I inhaled one already and will not share the last one.

And it's just more fun to have at least one picture of one of the kiddos on here. Apparently, since Lily turned 4, she thinks she can wear lipstick. Um, I think not.
What a super cute idea! I just might have to do this next it!
I love the Valentine in the frame!! Look at you crafty lady!! :) And yes those Cupcakes were to die for huh? :) We are so blessed with people that spoil us! :) And is it your lipstick?? Or did Cami leave it there! :)
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