I LOVE being a mom, and I LOVE being celebrated :) But first, we got to celebrate my mother-in-law and my mom. Saturday night we went to dinner with AJ's parents, sister and her fiance' to the Spaghetti Warehouse. It's soo good and you get tons of food. We had lots of fun. We then went back to the Acker's for presents. Lily did great considering she was up past her bed time-and she even learned how to crawl up stairs! That girl is just moving! Here's a picture of her standing-she pulled herself up! This isn't from the Acker's but I thought it went with her doing new 'tricks' :)

Standing up on her own! And that's a tall table!

Smiley girl so proud of herself! And I'm proud too! I also love her little heart pockets on her bum in those pants :)
Anyway, yesterday after church we went to my mom's house for lunch (because she had knee surgery on Friday-it went very well!) and did gifts and dessert. I played Wii with my sister while Lily napped-and I'm terrible at it. Good thing I don't have one because they are addicting! Then later that night Lily and I went to my good friend Kaytee's graduation open house. She just got her Masters! She's a friend from high school although we were talking yesterday and we knew of each other in middle school. Anyway, it was fun to see her and Lily did well playing with Kaytee's niece and the dog :) Lily loves dogs! When we got home it was 7ish and I was hungry so AJ took me out to Taco Bell-my choice! We got home and he gave me this adorable card 'from' Lily. I had to take a picture of it because it was so cute!
This was the front of the card and the ribbons are real-so fun!
And the inside of the card. I know it's hard to read but it says "Mom hugs are the bestest, bestest thing in the whole world, ever." And then "Happy Mother's Day from your daughter." AJ did so good picking it out and even had Lily 'sign' or draw on the card! She definitely has figured out a pen and wants to draw on paper if it's around. I'm not sure I'm ready for that step yet-I can just imagine pen art all over my walls! AJ also gave me this beautiful necklace:
This too is hard to see but it says Lily Mae and the little gem next to it is her birthstone-or the color of it-which is amethyst. I tried doing a close up with the necklace laying on the table, but it just came out blurry and this was the best I could do. Anyway, this gal makes these necklaces and she lives here in town. I found her from another friend who has one and I basically emailed AJ all the info and hoped he'd get the hint! :) He sure did! You see, he's still very forgetful so this is what I have to do for him-he doesn't mind it and neither do I! He also let me choose a chick flick to watch and I chose Say Anything-an old 80's movie with John Cusack. Not sure how it ends because we were so tired we couldn't finish it-and it was only 10pm. I'm getting OLD! :) Speaking of old, we noticed today that AJ has gray hair! And it's not just 1 hair but a ton! All over! Oh man, he's getting old :) The big 32 is coming later this year. Crazy! Anyway, that's how my mother's day was and it was wonderful and I'm so grateful to be a mom! God has truly blessed me and AJ with Lily Mae!
PS AJ's neurology appt. got moved up to this Thursday morning. I basically called to see if they had a cancellation and they did. Yippee! I'll let you know the results of his tests once we find everything out!
It looks like you had a wonderful Mothers Day!! Is your necklace from Fig? I have the same one I got for Christmas with Jack's name on it and I got a new charm for Mothers Day as well! :) I will have to put a picture up of it when I do a new post! :)
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