What a title huh? I'm talking about my friend Anna's kiddos. I love them as if they were my own! In fact, when Josiah (their first) was born, I pretended he was my baby! I loved watching him and AJ and I would just be his pretend parents! We're lame I know :) But I was lucky enough to watch them last week for a bit while they had an appointment. Lily loves her 'Siah, Micah, and baby Cami! 
Cambria crawling...isn't she the cutest?! Lily can't say her name of course, so she just calls her baby. It's pretty cute. And Lily wasn't jealous of me holding Cami either, just very aware of what was going on!
Josiah and Micah. Lily loves to say 'Siah over and over. She can kinda say Micah too. She loves being with them! And poor Josiah just broke his leg a couple days ago! We're praying for a fast recovery for him!
And my cute Lily....looking a bit like she's from the 80's! But, I had to take a picture of her in her cute outfit my mom got her. She just wouldn't let me take it without her holding her baby and blankie of course! She sure loves her little friends though!
Oh they are all so cute! What fun...and man you sure had your hands full that day with 4 kids! :)
Your so sweet doing a posting on your "other" children! I'm so glad my kids are loved by you guys ! That means a LOT to us! And thanks for helping us out so much! And for all your prayers this week, they are MUCH needed! I remember how you used to pretend Josiah was yours...I think that's sweet! :) Love you guys!
I'm a little partial but I think their pretty cute. :) That's so sweet you used to think Josiah was yours. :) THey are a lot of fun!
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