I'm definitely feeling like Susie Homemaker lately. I was privileged enough to tag along with some friends and can peaches yesterday! This is the second year that I've canned peaches and pears. (We will do pears next week.) I went with a good friend of mine, Lynn, and we went to Josh's mom's house with Lynn to can peaches! (Josh is Lynn's husband and Josh and AJ have known each other since their college days at Western Oregon) Josh's mom is a wonderful cook and when AJ and Josh were in college together, they'd always eat at their house. AJ still says he loves Janet's recipes-especially her oatmeal chocolate chip cookies! Anyway, last summer I asked if I could can with them and they said yes! It was so much fun and I really do enjoy it. It makes me feel good to see the work of my hands turn into something so pretty! But they all helped me too! I know nothing about canning, and Janet has all of the stuff to can, so I just show up and they put me to work! I went yesterday and came away with 18 jars of peaches! I can't wait to dig into them! I'm trying to save it for the fall/winter time when fruit isn't so fresh, but I don't know if I'll be able to handle it. I took Lily with me and she did really well playing with Lynn's kids and just hanging out for 4 hours! I definitely pushed her to her limit by not leaving until 1:30, when she normally goes to bed at 12:30ish! Oh well! She did great and napped great too. I can't wait to do the pears, and I promise to bring my camera that time! Sorry, no pictures of Lily-we just haven't done much picture taken lately! Until next time... :)
Way to go...being susie Homemaker! :) It's fun isn't it...just a LOT of work! Especially with the lil kids running around! :) I might just have to try some of those yummy looking peaches someday! :) Love the picture you found too! ;) That's great...well I gotta go finish your dinner !;) hehe!
Yum, love canned peaches...That's great working so hard on something like that! :) Its a lot of work, but worth it!
Way to go girl! I was just talking to some friends of mine today on how I want to can peaches and pears but have NO idea how to do it! Its such a great idea and saves so much money...I wish I knew someone that had all the stuff!
Who needs crafty when you are susie!? How about I'll share some crafty with you if you share some of those delicious peaches! :)
I'm glad you think bumpers are ok, they definitely make a crib cozier looking well and cuter too! :)
amazing! I loved when my mom canned peached and pears when we were kids! Those look so so good!
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