Such a goofy guy
I was very proud of my husband's wrapping this year!
Love my sweet boy!
AJ, Amanda, Lily, Jameson, and Colby
Such a goofy guy
I was very proud of my husband's wrapping this year!
Love my sweet boy!
Oh, he melts my heart! And of course the camera was on the wrong setting so it turned out a bit dark. But at least I captured it! Hopefully more to come later! :)
A close up of one of Lily's cookies! She would just put a little frosting on one and want another one to decorate! She'd also take a bite out of a cookie and want another one to frost, take a bite out of that one, and so forth!
I'm pretty sure this is the worst picture of us, but I had to document this new tradition! And we were home all day in our pj' there you go :)
The finished product! If you look closely, I'm sure you'll be able to tell which ones Lily decorated!
Here's a close up on a few of them...I especially love the reindeer with the green blob of frosting on him!
What a fun new tradition we started! I can't wait to do it next year-and even Jameson can get in on the action (well, if his sister lets him!)
Daddy helping pull him up to get good neck strength!
He didn't like it after a while
I wanted a picture of me and Jameson and Lily wanted in as well :) When this girl sees a camera she always wants her picture taken!
All cozy and ready to brave the FREEZING weather we've been having!
Sleeping on daddy-melts my heart!
We were going to decorate the tree that night but Lily unfortunately came down with the stomach flu! That morning she randomly said her tummy hurt one time but said nothing the rest of the day. That night we had dinner at a friend's house and right after we ate she started crying and complaining of her tummy hurting. We left thinking she just needed to go to bed and would hopefully feel better in the morning. Well, after being in bed for 15 minutes she started throwing up! It was HORRIBLE. This girl has luckily not gotten sick with the flu since she was a baby (even then it wasn't that bad) so this was all new to us. She threw up a total of 7 times and was done by 3 am. Of course this happens on a Saturday night when we have church in the morning with AJ leading worship! And of course me trying to nurse a newborn and deal with my sick child. See, I don't do puke at all. AJ rose to the occasion and would run in there and help Lily and change her sheets while I would sit with Lily on my lap in the bathroom while he cleaned everything up! I did change the sheets 1 time, but was gagging just doing that! I'm such a wussy mom! Sorry such detailed information here-but it was bad! Luckily she's feeling great now and is over it all. She just has a cold-which she has now given to her brother. And so the cycle begins :) Anyway, we didn't decorate our tree until 3 days after we got it:
She moved to another part of the tree now!
Putting on the angel with daddy's help!
This picture doesn't do justice, but AJ did an excellent job of putting lights on the outside of our house. Usually he moans when I ask him to do it, but this year he was all in the mood to do it and added more than we usually do! I've got such a great husband! And I love Christmas time!!
P.S. I have found to be a terrible blogger since having a baby. Please excuse my absence as I am figuring out life with 2 kids. :)
Hanging out-and looking a bit Chinese-ish. :)
So sweet!
I love rocking with him! He is a snuggler!
Things are finally settling in now as a family of 4. Lily is still smitten by her brother, although she did inflict pain on him for the first time on Thanksgiving morning-what a way to start the day! She wasn't even acting out...I had turned away from her to get our coats, Jameson was in his car seat and Lily just goes right up to him and digs her nails (it had been a while since I had cut them!) into the bridge of his nose right by his eyes leaving 2 scratches. Awesome. Poor Jameson screamed loudly...I felt so bad for him! Needless to say Lily got in trouble and actually started crying so hard because I think her feelings were hurt. I think she understood the seriousness of what she did, and I'm hoping it will be a while before it happens again! I know there will be more episodes of her doing stuff to him, but let's hope it will happen when he can actually defend himself! Jameson is eating and growing like crazy! After we left the hospital he had almost lost an entire pound. Then we had a 1 week check at the doctor and he weighed 9 lbs. 4 oz. Well, we went in just this last week for his 2 week check (and for him to get circumcised-ouch!!) and he weighed in at 10 lbs. 5 oz!!! He gained over a pound in a week and he also grew 1 inch! Unbelievable. You'd think because he's such a big baby that he'd sleep through the night, but he doesn't. He wakes up every 3 hours (which isn't terrible.) But I can't wait for the day when we can go in 4 or 5 hour stretches! I try to nap every day when they do, but sometimes the times don't coincide with each other-like, Lily will be sleeping but he'll be wide awake. Luckily I function really well off no sleep-at least that's what AJ tells me! We had a great Thanksgiving with AJ's family this year and it was so fun having both kids together! We are so grateful for our little miracle babies and all that God has provided and continues to provide for our family! We are even more thankful for our salvation and the fact we get to spend eternity in Heaven!
Sleeping...this is all he does-well, during the day at least. He's up all night!
Yes, I know, I look a bit tired :)
We are all doing great and adjusting quite nicely. Lily has only poked Jameson's eye once! She loves giving him kisses and hugs. I definitely don't trust her with him, so it will be interesting when it is just me and the kids at home...I'll have to keep an eye on her at all times! I'm still feeling quite sore from the c-section, but I've been so blessed with my mom and mother-in-law and the rest of my family coming over to help clean, cook dinner, and take care of Lily! I've got the best family ever! Jameson is nursing like a champ which is great. He sleeps ALL DAY LONG. I have a hard enough time waking him up during the day to eat! Which means he's usually up lots during the night because of this. I'm hoping we can break him of this sooner than later! But, I'll enjoy the cuddle time I have with him while he's still so little! We are so blessed with this new addition to the family! God is good!