Well, 4ish hours is far away if you're a 3 1/2 year old who needs to go potty right now! Our motto is, "have potty chair, will travel." The beautiful lake as you are heading into K. Falls. Wish I knew the name of it! It's probably called Klamath Lake or something like that :)
Us girls went to a fun little shop and Lily was loving this little apron.
It was such a beautiful weekend while we were there so we took advantage of it and went to this awesome park near Jeff and Andrea's house! It had tons of play equipment that all of us (including the adults!) enjoyed!
Jameson loving the swings
The GORGEOUS view from the park.
So, there was this play rock wall at the park. Personally, I think it's kinda dangerous for a park with kids, but, that's just me! Well, Andrea and I thought it'd be fun to climb it and have our picture taken.
Then I got the not-so-bright idea to climb over the other side of the rock. Let's just say I'm not as young as I used to be! I couldn't find any foot holes to put my feet into and I got stuck. I basically dropped to the ground while laughing with embarrassment!
Auntie Andrea with Lily!
May Catch Up, Part 1
2 years ago
Hi Amanda, I'm just stalking your blog through Anna's :) My husband went to OIT and he said yes, it is Klamath Lake! :)
How fun that you guys got to go down there! It looks so beautiful!
Hehehe, i had a "getting old" moment this week too, after carrying a skinny little middle schooler on my shoulders at Cause. I could barely turn my head that night! Hate that!
How did I miss this post?? ANyways, what a fun time you guys had! and I love the picture of you getting stuck climbing over the wall! That got a laugh!! Love it!! And love you two girlies acting like well lil school girls! :)
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