Sunday, September 7, 2008

What do you do with a CRYING Lily?!

Give her a bath!!

This girl was grouchy today! Every time I went to put her down for a second she would just stand there and sob like I'm the worst mom! At first I thought it was sweet that she wanted me. But after 2 minutes of that I quickly changed my mind! Don't get me wrong, I love her. But NOTHING would work! A quick history on baths: This girl LOVES them. She gets so excited. She just plains love water! Ever since she was a baby I made up this silly little bath song and I sing it every time I'm filling up the tub and putting her in it. Well now, she knows what to do when all I have to say is "Do you want to take a bath?" She immediately stops whatever she's doing-including crying!-and starts to clap her hands and run to the bathroom while I sing the song. So tonight, that's what we did. She was crying and crying and finally I said those magic words and she stopped crying. It was awesome! We bathed her and she had a great time! I got her all dressed and smelling sooo good (I love that fresh bathed baby smell!) and put her to bed EARLY! She's been sleeping ever since! Thank you Lord!

All smiles now and feeling good! I love this girl!


Family of 5 said...

Oh sweet Lily girl! You do make your mommy go crazy sometimes ! :) hehe!! Isn't it amazing what the calming of a bath will do! That's a cute story...I can just piccture her going from crying to clapping all happy running to the bathroom! :) I might just have to hear this bath song sometime! :)

pfnisterfam said...

Oh the wonderful things a bath can do! I loved it when I discovered it calmed them down. How fun to have a special bath song, to have her look forward to it! I may just have to try something like that...she loves baths, its just getting her to stop what she's doing to get in. :)

Amber said...

That is too cute! Its funny cause Jack is the EXACT same way! As soon as I say the words "do you want a bath" he stops and runs to the bath while saying "bath, bath..." over and over! Its so amazing how much they can love the water and how it makes everything ok again! :)

girl said...

What's the magic song?? I want to know! :) That is hilarious that making herself clean makes her happy. What a little girl! :)

Jenn said...

Isn't bath time wonderful? My boys love to play in the tub too, they would spend hours in there if I let them! Their bathroom is right across from our office so I can sit here and blog while they play in the tub! Yay! Lily is TOOO adorable Amanda!