Monday, April 28, 2008
The BIG 2-5
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Playdate with Zoe
I was trying so hard to get them to sit next to each other so I could take a picture! But since Zoe is walking (Lily is NOT!) she would always get up and walk away before I could snap it! Oh well
Playing with the ball together-sorta!
She wants the ball now!
And since Zoe is walking she loved 'smelling' the flowers. And then I'd find her picking off the pretty little heads of them! She's too cute though
I do love her
They have a good time together and Zoe would walk around our house while Lily would follow her and ride her 'car'. I know, I know, I've got to get that girl off her car and on the floor walking!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Sunny weekend FUN!
This actually wasn't during our BBQ lunch, but later that night we sat outside again for dinner! Lily had already eaten so we just set up her playpen and put some toys in there. She was so happy to be outside! That's my wonderful sister, Leandra, who stopped by real quick to say hi. She was playing peek-a-boo with Lily. She's such a good auntie!
Holding her beloved 'princess' ball. And looking quite serious!
Our self portrait!
I love this picture! Charlie, our dog, just decided to lay right next to Lily. They didn't notice each other at first, but then she did and pressed her hand against the side for Charlie to sniff or lick! So cute. He's such a good dog too.
So that was our fun weekend. Now, on to news about AJ's health. I actually wrote a mass email to family so I'm just going to copy and paste it on here for you all to read (and I don't have to type it again!) Sorry for those of you who will read this twice!
Thanks for all your prayers regarding's so nice to have that support as we go into unknown waters! As most of you know, AJ had his first neurology appt. today. I thought it'd be easier to do a mass email instead of calling everyone-not that there's much to say, but it saves time :)
Today's visit was just a consultation (as I thought it'd be) no testing, just talking about AJ, how he's feeling, what he felt when he experienced his 2 seizures, etc. The doctor (Dr. Wynn) was super nice, he's tall and skinny like AJ and is very friendly. AJ explained all that's happening and the doc. is 'concerned'. Meaning, he's not thinking it's just the 2 seizures and it's just random that they happened, but that it's a good opportunity to look at everything and get to the bottom of this. I'm personally thrilled with that decision. I was hoping the doc. would understand these 'weird' things going on with AJ and want to find out why. So, he wants him to have an MRI done (which I thought he had done in the ER, but that was a CT scan we found out) The MRI place will call us to schedule, so I'm unsure of dates for that. Apparently it'll give a more detailed look of the brain that the CT scan can't show. He also wants an EEG done (measures brain waves and probably other stuff too) and that will be happening Monday, April 28th at 9 am. The night before (on a Sunday when AJ is always exhausted!) he has to stay up until 1 a.m. and then sleep only until 5 a.m.!! Only 4 hours of sleep! I don't know how that's going to happen. Maybe we could get some high school boys to help keep him awake?!! Cause there's no way I can do that-especially with dealing with Lily the next day! They want AJ to fall asleep during the EEG at the office because maybe he is having little seizures in his sleep or something. Anyway, still lots of unknowns, and it's kinda scary. But I'm glad they're investigating his head =) We'd appreciate your continued prayers through this trial and we know God is faithful and is in control. Thanks for your support and I'll keep you all updated if you want!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Rub - A -Dub -Dub....Lily's in the Tub!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
My night off!
Yes, she's playing with medicine-but it's child proof and I always watch her! It's the weirdest thing-that girl loves to carry those little things of medicine around wherever she goes! (please don't call child services on me :)
Here he is preparing our meal-not sure what it is at this point but he's very focused!
Ta Da! He even added a candle-so sweet!
Garlic bread and twice baked potatoes!!! He did them all by himself and can I tell you that they were AMAZING! I've eaten them before but I've actually never made them-crazy I know. But he did it and it was soo good!
And T-bone steak! Look at how huge those things are! And there were 2! I only ate a tiny section-but we've got enough leftovers for more nights!
I'm so blessed to have AJ as my husband. He treats me so well-especially when he cooks and cleans for me! Thanks AJ for a fun night of not cooking dinner!
And I came across these 'old' photos of Lily-she's so little!
Look at that dark hair and chubby cheeks! So pinchable and kissable!
She's trying to sit up on her own-can't tell you how old she is...maybe 4 months? How terrible am I not to know?!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Day at the Track!
She's chillin' in her stroller!
Helping his boy jumpers get ready to start
Talking with one of the other coaches....isn't AJ cute?! I do love my man in a uniform :)
And the family shot-Lily's actually smiling, just not at the camera like usual! Oh well!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Now, I know to most of you moms, this isn't new. But to us it is! Lily was always so easy to lay down on her back and she'd lay there and talk and eventually fall asleep. But now she's mastered rolling over and sitting up in her crib, it makes it a while before she falls asleep! At least she's happy in there. In fact, today I went to check on her and she was in that sitting position, except her upper half of her body was doubled over and her head was laying down on the mattress-and she was sleeping! She couldn't figure out how to lay down normal! So I moved her of course and she was out. We're learning together these new tricks and schedules!
The other day we invited our friends, Josh and Lynn and Kelsie and all their kids over for dinner, (the ones to help her crawl!) and it was so fun for Lily to interract with them. She just loves playing with others! Here are some photos from that night: Brody-isn't he adorable?! He is 4 months younger than Lily and is walking along furniture, mastered crawling forever ago, and can walk behing things (like pushing Lily's car around!) Amazing-and kinda depressing for us!
Playing together-well, sorda. I moved Lily to stay by him while I held something above my camera to get them to look at me!
The girls playing together.
All in all it was a fun night of friends and firsts!