As I've posted before, AJ is the high jumps coach at North Salem High and they had a meet this past Wednesday at West Salem High. I've been wanting to go with Lily to hang out with AJ, but the timing and weather hasn't worked out. Until Wed. when it was beautiful outside! So after nap time I loaded her up and away we went. Unfortunately, it was so windy and kinda cold for a sunny day that we didn't end up staying long! Lily's got a cold and her nose was just running like a faucet! Hopefully the next couple of meets we can actually watch for more than 20 minutes! Here's just a few pictures from that day:
She's chillin' in her stroller!

Helping his boy jumpers get ready to start

Talking with one of the other coaches....isn't AJ cute?! I do love my man in a uniform :)

And the family shot-Lily's actually smiling, just not at the camera like usual! Oh well!
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