Plus Lily...

Yup, you read that right. Lily decided she wanted to try the soap and EAT it! I could have DIED! The morning was already rough for us, and Lily has had diarrhea for like 5 days now (the flu is going around the church nursery again!) so she wasn't doing good anyway, and then this happens! So, she was riding her 'car' all over our house like normal, and I was in the family room and all of a sudden I hear her start to whine/cry from the laundry room. So I said "Lily come here" cause she usually does. She didn't and was still whining, so I'm starting to panic a bit as I'm walking into the laundry room. Side note: We have two cats, and their litter box, food, etc. are in the laundry room as well, so I was thinking maybe our cats decided to lash out on her (they tolerate her pretty well as of now). Anyway, I go in the room and see her sitting on her car near the laundry soap that's on the floor like usual (I know, that won't be there anymore!) and she managed to pull the lid off, and there was powder on the floor, some on her hands, and some around her lips! I freaked! I thought the worst of course, like "will we have to get her stomach pumped?" and "is she going to die?". I overreact a bit I think! AJ had just left the house so he wasn't around to help. I immediately picked her up and washed her hands and her face. I grabbed her sippy cup and filled it with water and basically shoved it down her throat! I also noticed she had some spit up/throw up on her shirt (it wasn't much). So I thought at least she probably threw up most of what she ate right? I looked on the detergent and it said if eaten to wash with water-duh! And to contact your doctor. So I called and they referred me to the Poison Control place. I called them and they were so nice to me! They said I did everything right and to monitor her for the next hour in case she does throw up, so that she wouldn't choke. They also said they would call back in a few hours to check up on us, and if problems were worse to call them back. She assured me these things happen...but still! How stupid could I be?!!! She's doing great now, and we've had no problems-yet! Hopefully it'll all go back to normal. Now if I could only stop her diarrhea....any ideas?! Hopefully she'll start to feel better before Easter Sunday with all the family that will see her!
Really though, this week hasn't been that bad. We've definitely had our ups and downs, but God is soo good and faithful to us. I mean, thank goodness Lily is ok!! But I want this week to be about Jesus....celebrating His resurrection and that He died to save me-and all of YOU- so we could spend eternity with Him! How awesome is that? So, as we go into this Easter weekend of family, food, and Easter egg hunts, let us remember why we're truly celebrating: because of the Risen Savior. Our church's Easter programs are this Saturday night at 7 pm and Sunday at 9am and 11am. We'd love to see all or any of you there! The address is 375 Madrona Ave. S.-right behind Salem Heights Elementary. Happy Easter to you all!
Oh my goodness Amanda! How scary! I'm glad Lily is ok! I hope you and your family have a happy Easter!
Im so glad she is ok...that would be so scary! God was definitely with her during that time!! Have a great Easter weekend! :)
Hello from Washington! You might remember me as your friend from Goat Trail in Mukilteo who would come down to visit you sometimes. Well, I've recently become a bit of a blog addict (for like 15 minutes in the morning), and I clicked on a friend's site, then an acquaintances' site, to another acquaintance, and found your blog! It looks like you are doing well with your cutie pie little girl. It's crazy that we ended up with the same last name. I hope your family is doing well.
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