This past Wednesday was my brother Joel's birthday. He turned 23! That is crazy because he's still my baby brother...and I'm only 24! (Although, I will be 25 in April) Anyway, last night we got to celebrate his 'birth' at the Cheesecake Factory in Portland. My sweet husband graciously let me leave a few hours early with my mom and sister so we could go shopping at Babies 'R Us (which I had to buy stuff for Lily, mainly because I had a gift card there-thanks Uncle Joel) and shop at Washington Square Mall. That is also the best place. A little 'rich' for my wallet, but fun to dream about shopping there :) AJ, my dad, and Lily met us at the restaurant later that night and Joel came with Katie and Danny. Even though we put our name in at 4:30, we didn't get seated until 6:15!! I couldn't believe it. Luckily, I had brought Lily's dinner so she was able to eat that in her stroller. But the poor girl was dying. We didn't leave the restaurant until 8:00! And she normally goes to bed between 7:30-8:00. Needless to say, she slept the whole way home. But, it was still lots of fun, and because of the giant portions of food we got, I have enough leftovers for 2 meals! That's the best! And we also took home some delicious cheesecake of course. Anyway, besides the super long wait, we had fun! Unfortunetly, I didn't take any pictures, so the one I am posting is of Lily with her new toy she got from her Great Grandma and Grandpa! (she loves it too!)

By the way, we rented a fabulous movie the other night, one we had actually seen in the theatre a while back, but we liked it so much decided to rent it. I highly recommend it to you all! A very clean and fun movie! It is called "No Reservations" (should this be underlined? Ahh, having a flashback to my school days of English class!)

you are so good at doing posts! You were so clsoe to my house - I live within 10 minutes of Washington Square mall and Babies R Us. Actually we were at the mall Sat probaly at about the smae time! :)
I cant believe Joel is 23 now! I still think of him as being 12 years old! haha! You need to put some pictures up of the little bro! I miss Leandra to...I so need to call her! By the way...I LOVE Cheesecake Factory! My favorite! And everytime I go up to Portland I have to go to Babies R Us!!! hehe! :)
Oh also...we rented that movie on Valentines Day...I totally agree it was a great movie!! :)
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