Hello all! I thought I'd post some pictures of our recent snow day we had. Lily sure looks cute in them :) But, I am a bit biased! Same 'ol stuff around here, nothing too new. We're just counting down the days until Lily's FIRST birthday! I can't believe she's turning 1. I honestly can remember everything about her birth, when my contractions started, when we went to the hospital, how my dad almost didn't make it :). But, what a fun day of memories! She still isn't walking, but 'walks' when she holds our hands. I try and take a hand away and just hold one of her hands, but she gets unsure of herself and gets scared and starts to sit down. She's not quite there yet! The cool thing about her birthday is a couple of TV stations have birthday segments where they post either a picture or just her name and how old she'll be and they'll air it on her birthday. So that is fun! I know I'm probably going over the top, but it's free and fun! And we're finally all healthy! I got a little cold, but I think it's on the downhill side now, thank goodness! Tonight we're going to Red Robin-my favorite!-with the sisters. I'm trying to get Lily to take a quick nap but it's not working. She's been in her crib for 45 min. already and never fell asleep. Now she just started to cry and we're supposed to leave in 45 min! Oh no :) Might be an early bed time tonight! hope all is well!

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